Here come the Lazy Days of Summer… or not so lazy, depending on how you look at it. My perfect summer afternoon as a child was a book, a shady spot, and an unlimited supply of fudge pops my mom pretended NOT to know I was sneaking out of the freezer. And why not? I was happy, I was quiet, and she knew just where to find me when she needed to- and I was working my way through some of the classics of children’s literature. Laura Ingalls Wilder and I spent a lot of time together on those summer afternoons. I think we should all encourage this… so I’ll pick up a pack of Fudge Pops this weekend, and I’ve rounded up all the area library reading programs, in case our kiddos need extra incentive to pick up a book.
Hey! Before you run off and check out your reading options, be sure to sign up for next week’s Joy Troupe NOVA playdates:
- Monday, June 9 Dog Story Time Alexandria VA (Thanks for hosting, Michelle!)
- Tuesday, June 10 Walk & Play Burke, VA
- Thursday, June 12 Park Stop Playdate Alexandria VA (Thank you Karen for being our “rain” host!)
- Friday, June 13 Nature Center Playdate Annadale VA (Thanks Danette for organizing!)
Arlington VA Library Summer Reading Program
Preschool and Elementary Schoolers:
– First day to pick up prizes: As soon as you meet your goal
– Last day to sign up: Aug. 23
– Last day to pick up prizes: Sept. 7
Middle and High Schoolers:
– First day to pick up prizes: As soon as you meet your goal
– Last day to sign up/pick up prizes: Aug. 20
– End of summer ice cream party: Aug. 21
Register here:
Have you entered this great giveaway yet? Don’t forget there are DAILY bonus entries!
Alexandria Public Library Fizz, Boom, Read science summer reading program is here!
Signups start Monday, June 16, 2014 for Alexandria’s Summer reading program.
If you are between the ages of just born and five years old, you can sign up for SummerQuest, Jr. You will receive an early literacy activity sheet. When you are finished, show us your completed sheet and receive a surprise! SummerQuest, Jr. also features fun programs such as funny puppet shows and lively music concerts. Check the events calendar for more information on the special events.
Starting on June 16th, kids between the ages of 6 and 12 get to sign up for the SummerQuest reading challenge. SummerQuest participants also track the books they read and receive a special prize after reading ten books. Prizes may be picked up between July 14th and August 30th. The Library has also invited a group of special guests to entertain with music, magic and much more!
Students between the ages of 12-18 may register for the “Spark a Reaction” Teen Reading Challenge. After logging in 5 or more books, their names will be entered in a raffle to win one of four $50 gift cards. Rising 6th and 7th grade students may sign up for either “Fizz, Boom, Read” for ages 6-12 or for the teen program, “Spark a Reaction.”
Fizz Boom Read Alexandria Public Library
Fairfax County Libraries Paws To Read
June 20 – August 30
Get ready to enjoy “Paws to Read” during the 2014 Summer Reading Program at the Fairfax County Public Library. You will be able to register online or in person at your local library beginning June 20.
Preschoolers through high schoolers earn a coupon book with great prizes including free and discounted items by completing their reading and going to their local library branch by August 30.
Activities are planned for families, preschoolers, school-age youngsters, teens and adults throughout the summer. Search our calendar of events or pick up a printed copy of the summer calendar at your local branch.
Come back on June 20 to register and learn all the details. Read for fun this summer!

Prince William County Library Paws to Read
June 16 – August 16
Paws to read some great books this summer with Summer Reading! Sign up online now and start logging in your summer reads beginning June 16. Adventurers (infant through entering kindergarten) can get incentives for reading 5, 15, and 25 books. Explorers (children entering grades 1–5) receive incentives for reading 5, 10, and 15 books. Then be sure to visit the library weekly to pick up your “coupon of the week!”
Stay connected during the 2014 Loudoun County Summer Reading Program!
You can access STEM Resources and activities, participate in our Summer Snapshots Photo Challenge, collaborate with us on our Pinterest Boards, and view photos from our programs!
Follow us on Facebook or Pinterest here.
Tweet us on Twitter:@LoCo_Teens and@LoudounLibrary
Join the conversation by using these hashtags:
Summer Snapshots Photo Challenge
Word of the week: Begins June 16
Find more information here.